6 Bad Habits that Lead to Tooth Decay

Brushing and flossing your teeth correctly and frequently will not always prevent tooth decay or cavities. Do you have that one friend that is so conscious of their oral health but still went to the dentist more often than you do? Well, truths have to be told. Brushing and flossing alone are pointless if you have these bad habits.


1. Using Your Teeth as Tools

If you are a person that loves to use your teeth as a tool to open packaging or bottles, then you may not be in luck. Understandably, using your teeth as a tool may look like a cool party trick, but these will lead to chips, fractures, and long-term damage. This allows bacteria to build upon these chips or fractures that are very difficult to brush off. 


2. Using a Toothbrush for Too Long

Brushing your teeth is considered one great responsibility, but the effort is wasted if your toothbrush is old. It is always better to change your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months or when the toothbrush completely wears off, whichever comes first. The reason behind this is that old toothbrushes will become less effective due to their bristles being worn off, and they also will become homes for bacteria.


3. Crushing Ice with Your Teeth

Most people have this common habit of chewing ice. It may not seem to be a problem at first, but as time goes by, our teeth' durability wears off. This leads to microscopic cracks in the surface of your teeth and these cracks will slowly expand further.


4. Brushing with a Hard Toothbrush or Brushing too hard

Brushing with a toothbrush that has hard bristles or brushing with force may seem like a good solution to cleaner teeth. However, hard bristles or brushing with force may damage tooth enamel and gums which will lead to sensitive teeth and receding gums. While sensitive teeth may not be a big issue, gum recession on the other hand may develop pockets or gaps which make it easy for bacteria to build up and difficult to clean.


5. Brushing Right After Eating

When you consume acidic foods like citrus fruit or red wine, you may think that it would be better to get rid of that acid. This leads you to immediately brush your teeth. We have bad news for you, brushing right after eating or drinking can push the acid deeper into your teeth, making your teeth more prone to be decayed by bacteria.


6. Sugary food lover

Every person loves to consume sugar content. However, some consume more often than an average person. When sugary foods are consumed, the plaque bacteria in the mouth will create acid that will chip away at the tooth enamel. This exposes your tooth enamel which makes it easy for cavities to occur.


The best way to prevent cavities and other tooth issues is to have a toothpaste/cleaner that you can trust such as HōMUplus+ Refresh Tooth Foam. HōMUplus+ Refresh Tooth Foam is an all-natural toothpaste/cleaner that is made of a unique foaming formulation combined with microbubbles that increase the contact surface between the teeth and gums to effectively maintain oral hygiene, prevent cavities and other teeth and gum discomfort. It can spread evenly and reach hard-to-reach gaps, areas by the teeth which makes it suitable for people wearing braces or have enamel issues and sensitive teeth.

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